Wednesday, June 30, 2010

I recently received a copy of Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. This is a 365 day devotional, like so many others that we know out there. It was neat knowing that the underlying theme was peace in His presence, something that i have been struggling with Recently. Having peace in my circumstances, having peace with my family, with my job situation, and even peace with Jesus. In her introduction alone, you get to understand a bit of where she comes from and how the Lord has impacted her life in different areas of the world. How He has grasped hold of her mind, to stop time and allow her to view His majestic beauty and even how she went through seasons of desperation for some sense of hope or peace in her own situations, in work, in her family, in her relationships, just as so many of us do. She continues to go on in the introduction about hearing from the Lord personally, something many people think they have to earn or wont ever understand. I love that she begins such a simple devotional with such a massive truth, that Jesus does speak and we can experience Him greatly while we rest in His peace and in His presence. Each day, she has written something the Lord would have said to her or was sayign to all His people and included references to biblical passages about such focuses.
It reminds me of an old classic i think that many women in the church have found called
"Come Away my Beloved", by Frances J. Roberts. But unlike that book this covers a whole year, and while Jesus Calling isnt themed or separated in category, you know you will always be able to go back to certain days to rememeber the truth you found the first time you read it.

Definitely a good devotional to give to your friends. Perfect for a gift!